Thursday, October 18, 2012

Having The Right "Attitude" Can Make You Invincible To Rejection:

"The Approach"- Those are 2 of the scariest words for most guys, when it comes to meeting women.
(They were for ME early on...)

Overcoming Approach Anxiety takes time & persistence. You have to get out & just do it. The more you work at it, the easier it becomes.

Yeah yeah, I know... you've heard that lots of times before. But the fact is, it's still true.

However; I'm going to share with you the special little trick I learned, which helped me realize that my fear was all about me, AND how this little trick made me invincible to rejection.

Now, let me clarify that... 
I'm not saying I haven't gotten some harsh rejections after figuring out this trick.

I'm also not saying, by using this trick you'll never get rejections...

What I mean by being "Invincible" to rejection is that, I process it differently now than how I used to, and I don't see anything as "rejection" anymore.

Because I have a knack for finding humor in everything I possibly can (combined with having a passion for razzing, teasing, bantering) I treat "rejection" as just another zinger that someone might throw out when you're in a friendly trash-talking match.
(If that makes sense)

My attitude is this: 
Whatever negative action/reaction I may get during an approach, I treat as them flirting with me in that razzing sort of way.... that's all. (Or at the most, a simple “Shit Test”).

If a girl says, "Get lost loser!" My brain processes that as sarcastic humor & I laugh. Then I come back with a comment & my own zinger...

Something such as: "Haha! WOW! that was COLD! Not bad.... Kinda feisty for a little girly dork." (*wink / smile) "I don't know if I should put you in time-out, or just spank you..." 


"Ohhh no you didn't!! Now it's on like Donkey Kong, little missy!!!" (*Big smile)


"You have such a warm, welcoming personality that puts strangers at ease... I can just tell." (*puppy dog eyes & cheesy, devilish grin)

Since I see this interaction as humor, I'm able to be calm, relaxed & confident.

Most guys would buckle & cave in if that happened. (I know, because again, I used to)
But... a Confident, Alpha Man can remain unfazed & even tease her for being so harsh.

So, having the right "Attitude" can totally change the way you think & react to situations.... Thus, making you "Invincible" to them.

Basically you don't care, so you're not worried or concerned about WHAT she's saying... so there's nothing to be afraid of or nervous about.

THIS my friends, is the same principle you need to adapt. 
I'm not saying you have to treat it as humor like I do... (That just happens to work for me, so I go with it)

But you need to figure out how YOU can make yourself invincible to those imaginary fears in your own head. 

If you can do that, you'll no longer dread "The Approach".